When was the last time we saw women voice thunder the House Of Commons? Wherein the interest of masses would not only be heard, but also fought for by the women power. A scene which not quite long ago would be treated as a distant halucination, the fact that it was treated THE way would soon turn reminiscent. What we can call the Green Revolution for the Women is all set to be achieved with the initiation of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi.Women Reservation Bill is all set to create History for women. If the Bill emerges victorious, than this period could well be treated as a period that brought was tabout renaissance-a new begining, for the Indian Women.
The days are long gone when our interests were supressed, when people did'nt consider women worthy enough to represent the Will of delicate political,social, or economic issues. With the Women Reservation Bill coming all the way the political sectrum of India is all set to shake off all its pre-established taboos and prejudices against Women representation. The aspirations of women has emerged stronger than ever and now it stands almost impossible to marr or subdue the spirit of women any longer.
Lets cheer for it girls.....since, long gone are those days when men possing their deliberate display of 'satta' would be compared to Che Guevera, whereas the women would narrow down to be an item of ridicule. My words are obvious cliche sounding but my emotions after this breakthrough is too overwhelming to be hidden.
Obstacles are imminent. The demonstrations of remonstrance were inevitable. As expected the great men in power displayed strong protests against the Bill. Thanks to the conviction of Mrs. Gandhi that the Bill accorded itself with the initial success in Rajya Sabha. What took Me by surprise was that how could a WomAn in power was incapable of keeping aside her ambitions and look towards the betterment of the clan. Alas, the few Women who are in power are not rightfully exploited most often. Either they are sbjected to playing the role of pawn in the hands of men in power, who use then the way they wants or they are incompetent for the post and what they can only think about is securing their position or votebank.
So ladies its the time to buck up...! We have ways to go and milestones to achieve. Often titled as homemakers, now the time has arrived when we would rightfully take the charge of our country in our own hands. Our competence can no longer be restricted to Home Management. Pursuing political science in course would now be more than just being an educational options for non-a grade holders. It would metamorphos into being a serious career decision. I see new arenas being opened for us. We now stand in the threshold of success.
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